WordPress Hosting
Building a WordPress site
WordPress has become, in recent years, Google's most favorite and the hottest word in the Internet marketing world. Hard to miss the fact that more and more people talk about building a WordPress site, almost as the first step to create a business presence on the Web.
Nevertheless, it is clear that not everyone knows what it is really this system and that that the growing demand to build websites, using WordPress is mainly derived from a phenomenon known as "following the herd" which means that "what is good for many others, would be probably good, also, for me."
What is WordPress?
WordPress is a free software for building and managing dynamic websites. The software is free to use, without a charge, for any of us, because it is based on an "open source", which is being developed on a voluntary basis by a community of programmers around the world. Historically, it is a system which was developed for the purpose of blogs management, first published In May 2003, "WordPress Now Available" and which thanks to the efforts of the "Open Source" community has undergone many changes and great improvements which brought it to be much more than a tool for bloggers. Today, WordPress is a content management interface (CMS), for all intents and purposes, suitable for building a full size website, which can include rich media of any type and size.
What is special about WordPress and why is it good?
So, in the words of a well-known proverb: "What is not simple, simply will not be". WordPress fully fulfills, the proverb words - it is a surprisingly simple software, very easy to operate and manage, and above all, allows maximum flexibility when it comes to customizing the design and the components. Its design is determined by template and one of its outstanding advantages is the ability to change such template, without changing the content of the website or influence it. Another big advantage, though not unique but important enough, is independence - Anyone can manage his own website, without having a special early background and without ongoing dependence (economic and in general), in a programmer or in a web designer, which characterized sites from previous generations. In addition, the WordPress system is built so that it is compatible with all browsers and does not require special financial investment, in adjustments. Is evolving all the time, friendly to Google's scanning and considered, nowadays, to the prepared system with the highest compatibility with Google's search algorithm.
Is it possible to build a WordPress website for free?
Well, the answer for most of us is probably "NO." People without a knowledge in building websites and in programming, will find it difficult to do so, unless they will devote many hours for learning the system and for testing it. Usually, they will be able to set, without a professional help, a blog, using an automatic installation, but they will need web designer for building a real website and for the installation of essential plugins, which sometimes, requires an intervention in the code. A common misconception among many, is the perception of WordPress as a free system, designed for "free" websites. Although the code is, by definition, "Open Source", free of charge, and so too many other plugins that accompany it, building a customized professional website requires hiring of a professional web designer and a financial investment, in accordance. However, as already mentioned, the investment is in the site's building and not in an infinite monthly fee (as long as the active site) to a programmer or a web designer, for its maintenance.
Does WordPress support Hebrew?
There is full support for Hebrew, both at the site and the user interface level. Moreover, for the Israeli audience is going to a good range of templates designed in Hebrew.
So which is better, WordPress or Joomla?
Most descriptions of the system mentioned, so far, almost fully valid for the interface of Joomla. As well as WordPress, Joomla is, also, a content management interface, based on "open source" and a very active developer community and it also has a wide variety of formats and extensions. If so, then which system is superior - WordPress or Joomla? The concept of "Joomla", which is derived from the Swahili language, can be translated as "Everything Together" and indeed, this system purports and succeeds to contain a rich variety of different abilities. Graphic designers tend to prefer Joomla because of its capabilities and the wide range of possibilities inherent in it. Joomla sites display excellent design visibility, which matches the functionality of this system, they convey professionalism and do not look as if they all were derived from one, repeats in different variations. It is noteworthy, that even though the content management interface of Joomla considered slightly more complex and less user-friendly than WordPress, it still allows unskilled users to update new developments, in their website, with ease. In addition, Joomla is considered to have an advantage with regard to being a more dynamic, in terms of programming and code matching capabilities for any purpose.
In summary, everyone needs to choose the system that better fits his needs. Acceptable to associate WordPress as fits more image sites and those whom ease, of use and management, is most important for them, while Joomla is more suitable to medium and large sites, also used as an application or as an infrastructure for additional software developments.
Where to store a WordPress website?
The open source of WordPress (as well as of Joomla) is written in PHP. Storage of WordPress websites requires a Linux server and an existence of a MySQL database, as part of the web hosting package, which is proposed by the hosting provider. If your website is based on WordPress, it is advisable to store it at a company that specializes in storage of WordPress sites. For the most, such companies will help with the installation, of the website and will even provide a pre-installed WordPress account, with full support for the most advanced edition in Hebrew.